Struggling knowing where to start but want to see change? Here are 6 steps anyone can start implementing into your day!
Water- start with 70 oz a day and increase weekly to get 100-120 oz daily (remember 40 oz before coffee is a great way to start the day!)
Prioritizing protein- Protein is so important not only for muscle growth but so much more such has hormone health, hunger satisfaction, energy, metabolic health, mental clarity, and so much more.
Sleep- the real secret sauce to success! Be dedicated to clocking enough sleep
Limiting the extra nibbles- we all do it but those extra bites, licks, and tastes can add up to 300-500 extra calories a day!
More movement! Set a step goal or daily activity goal to hold yourself accountable.
Consistency- the hardest of them all! We all want instant results but long term health isn’t made in a day. Stacking these habits daily and being consistent will reap the biggest rewards. Just think where you can be in 90 days. heck next year even if you stayed consistent!
Small daily habit changes IS the secret to crushing your goals this year!
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Printed Out the Habit Sheet. Loving it!